Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Back in circulation is what they'd term it... I was tasked to handle our fund raising event just recently and had to summon my organizing skills (and prowess, like it was set aside years back, and as if I had any, haha!)...

So I started contacting and pestering people I know... video editor / producer Reg gave me Jim's number (now with Warner Music Phils...) and through them, I was able to contact Kitchie Nadal's manager Roca Cruz, who immediately committed to help. That was an awesome re-start, really!

I also googled on musicians and band I've heard of...One result, I landed on Kamikaze Baby's site. And while I've sent a lot (OK, about 5) invites for help to other local bands, Kamikaze Baby' Rob immediately responded letting me know they're interested, but there's one problem: they are located in Montreal, Canada. But then, it's not easy to ignore their music, so, I purchased their latest CD, and hope to review it here once it arrives...

For the meantime, I have a lot going, it's crack time once again... (I mean, I have already a load of things going on and adrenaline high is not a Beijing exclusive, Olympics, or not)...


Johnny Rumble said...

Checked out Kamikaze Baby. Very interesting music. I will have to keep listening for thier music. Thanks for that link!

And I do find it amazing that they were willing support all the way from Canada! Wow!

Good luck with the rest of the fundraiser. And if your "more" local bands never get in contact with you, piss on them. Not very local if you ask me.

Margaret T said...

ei Johnny, i'd keep you posted. A lot of bands who'd landed on local tv here almost always felt they're rockstars! lol. while many may have amnesia, others cannot fathom the essence of "exposure" (but I hope they will!) however, kitchie tops my list, so, I literally went after her... lol.