Wednesday, August 8, 2007

And Then Some

And then, there are those who just request to view... and y' know, they are just there. Sometimes, they say hi, sometimes, they just want to view your cam, and they say thank you if you allow them to...

lincoln 2000420: wed morning whoa
mt: hello buddy!
mt: its late in ur area
lincoln 2000420: i know
lincoln 2000420: i have been prepairing legal papers to take to court tomorrow
mt: u hev a case? or ur a lawyer
lincoln 2000420: i wish
mt: whats that, ur a legal assist?
lincoln 2000420: i am filing papers till i can find a lawyer
lincoln 2000420: i am not a legal anything
mt: whats ur case?
lincoln 2000420: my old lawyer taking me to court
lincoln 2000420: cause i wont pay his outrageous fee
lincoln 2000420: i will pay part but not all
mt: us lawyers are like leeches
mt: they wont get off even when ur dead!
lincoln 2000420: its legal extortion is all
mt: why did u need that leech 4?
lincoln 2000420: my ex wife took me to court
mt: ugh, divorce? or just material division
lincoln 2000420: took me to court to get more money for child support
lincoln 2000420: 2 kids
mt: i c
lincoln 2000420: went from 400 month to 1000
lincoln 2000420: i know women love money
mt: basic, i mean necessity, but love?
lincoln 2000420: let me rephrase
lincoln 2000420: american women love money
mt: its a necessity, everywhere
lincoln 2000420: dont get me wrong i will support my kids
mt: i understand. u hev a hedonistic culture
lincoln 2000420: hedonistic?
mt: materialism, physical stuff
mt: d west.
mt: orient here, we're focussed on family/organization
lincoln 2000420: its all about how much bling you have
lincoln 2000420: i should have been asian
mt: u'r welcome.
mt: visit some time
mt: what d'ya do
mt: ever since we started chatting, its all about ...
lincoln 2000420: about masturbation
lincoln 2000420: lol
lincoln 2000420: i actually repair big trucks
mt: age?
lincoln 2000420: me?
mt: yup
mt: u
lincoln 2000420: u forgot?
mt: u said someting like 28
lincoln 2000420: lol
lincoln 2000420: 35
mt: ei, were same yr
mt: but i feel 103
lincoln 2000420: i dont have a mic yet
mt: i dont know what to do with that
lincoln 2000420: i have a cold so i cant talk well anyway
lincoln 2000420: i hope i can get rid of it
mt: k. it was my keyboards, its crazy!
lincoln 2000420: crazy all the time
mt: k, wish luck on ur case
lincoln 2000420: ty
lincoln 2000420: so do u think i m/b alot?
mt: no
lincoln 2000420: oh
mt: at least u r a little polite
mt: others r, "opin ur shirt!" "how ur tits!"
lincoln 2000420: i cant do that
lincoln 2000420: i will ask if a women wants to show...
mt: ya, i know. else, i could've spammed u
mt: i had like 40 already!
lincoln 2000420: dang

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