psx_hater: why wont u show?
mt: what will i show?
psx_hater : boobs maybe??
mt: ei, Max, sup?
psx_hater : huh?
mt: oooooooops. hehe
psx_hater : u are so hot i can't believe u don'tlike to show
mt: Y baby, am married and sexually content.
psx_hater : but u don't like to show off ur hot body?
psx_hater : knowing that u get guys off?
mt: not exactly but i already hev 3 young kids. If i had been single and still the nasty gal i used to be, i might
psx_hater :
mt: ei, there r lotsa pron sites u can view for free!
mt: porn
psx_hater : there are free ones?
mt: yup
psx_hater : what are they
mt: google it
psx_hater : i would still rather see ur hot body...cause ur normal
psx_hater : don't u think seeing normal people is a lot hotter
mt: i dont know. real person is hotter. like, of course, my husband is d only hottie i know
psx_hater : u think ur husband would be mad if u helped someone cum on cam?
psx_hater : that's not cheating
mt: dont know. but of course, for me its fine to hev helped sum 1 cum, as long as nobody demands anything from me.
psx_hater : i hope ur not thinking i'm demanding i just think ur hot
mt: no. its ok. u'r honest, am honest, so its fair
psx_hater : could u even show now if u wanted to?
psx_hater : or u not alone
mt: no. i really can't. If my job has been related to showing my body, i would, no doubt
psx_hater : oh so you've never helped anyone on here cum before?
psx_hater :
mt: i guess there had been several viewers who just did it just viewing me on cam b4... but i never gave in 2 demand, the rude ones, i spammed
psx_hater: hehe so u did a quick flash for them then?
mt: no, i just went on with my work while d cam is on.
psx_hater : does ur husband give it to u rough or soft
mt: he gets rough most of d time, but i tell him to b a little subtle
psx_hater: is ur pussy shaven or u like to have hair down there
mt: no comment
psx_hater: ah why
mtbmug: i dont like to discuss my private parts.
(9/1/2007 10:22:03 AM)
psx_hater: sup hot sutff
m: haven't given up baby?
psx_hater: what do u mean
m: lol, none, am OK, u?
psx_hater: guess i'm not good enough for u huh? what do u need a guy with a 8 inch cock?
m: (lol)
m: am like 103 yrs old, honey
psx_hater: so that's hot
m: and u'r probably like 18
psx_hater: no i'm 25
m: well, OK
psx_hater: im not sure u could even handle an 8 incher
m: maybe, if we hev met on a better time
m: yeah, u'r right
psx_hater: why this is a bad time for u? u showin for another guy huh
m: no, am married, w/ 3 young kids, & my huby's here in d office with me, and all that
psx_hater: ah i see
m: u work?
psx_hater: ya
m: maybe, if u'r not like let me c ur tits, i;d introduce u to my single sis
psx_hater: haha
m: she's 25, too, working 4 AXA insurance
psx_hater: sorry i'm horny a lot i would prolly get myself in here
m: ya? lol. yes, she's got a tart tongue
m: like, maybe, spam u sooner than u'l ever know
psx_hater: what do u mean spam? like block me? haha
m: dont know how she handles it.
m: s dat u on d pic?
psx_hater: ya ur sister is prolly all inocent...i would corrupt her
psx_hater: ya
m: u look young, s old pic?
psx_hater: nah, like a year and a half old maybe
psx_hater: maybe 2 years
m: what's ur name?
psx_hater: Mark
m: Mark what?
psx_hater: Mark Walters
m: loc?
psx_hater: huh?
m: ur location now?
psx_hater: oh ohio
psx_hater: what is this an interview?
psx_hater: lol
m: ei, u know, u'v got d looks, i wonder y u settle on ds stuff --- chat
psx_hater: cause it's fun
m: (lol)
psx_hater: does ur sister have cam?
m: dont know. she only gets online in internet cafes
m: like, she cant do it at work
m: here,
m: horniestfrigid
m: ID
psx_hater: well that sucks...she can't show at internet cafes
m: show tits? lol
m: ur nuts
psx_hater: ya she can't do that there
m: der r a lot free online porn
psx_hater: real girls are always better though
m: den y not go out and meet real girls instead, baby?
psx_hater: no i mean like real girls on cam
m: its like watching some porn video
psx_hater: ya kinda
m: see?
psx_hater: it's hot though
m: y psx_hater???
psx_hater: i dunno why not
psx_hater: lol
m: what's psx?
psx_hater: nothing its just some letters
psx_hater: ur sister a virgin?
m: guess so, like, i had 2 ask, ei sis, u still a virgin?
psx_hater: no i love sex...i doubt ur sister is a virgin
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